Sidewalk Accident Lawyer in San Bernardino California
Have you been injured while walking, traveling on, or running on the sidewalk in San Bernardino County California? Most sidewalks are maintained by the city and or County and unfortunately many sidewalks in San Bernardino County contain defects such as large cracks, splits, uneven concrete work, lifting from either tree roots or other plant or tree material. Many people are injured every year in San Bernardino County by defects in the city or County controlled sidewalks. Many of these injures can be very serious such as breaks, fractures, severe sprains, back and neck injuries, twisted ankles, and in some cases head trauma and traumatic brain injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in a San Bernardino County sidewalk accident it is important that you seek out and retain an experienced San Bernardino County personal injury and premises liability lawyer and attorney.
Statute of Limitations in Sidewalk Accident cases in San Bernardino County California
Because most sidewalk and other walking paths are controlled, maintained, and repaired by the city our county you will need to notify the city or county through a Claim for Damages to put the governmental entity on notice of your personal injury claims. However, filing these claims can be very tricky and governmental entities fielding these claims font make it easy on the average individual so it is wise to hire a personal injury law firm to protect the statute and file the government tort claim on your behalf. Most California government tort claims must be filed within six (6) months of the date of injury so time is really not on your side. The statute of limitations for a non-governmental claim is two (2) years from the date of injury so the claim as you can see is much shorter.
Sidewalk Injury Attorney in the Inland Empire
If you have been injured in a sidewalk accident in San Bernardino County please call our San Bernardino Personal Injury lawyer today. We offer a FREE no obligation personal injury consultation. We can come to your home, office, or hospital bed if necessary. You or your loved one may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries. Call us today to protect your personal injury rights.