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What to Do When Your Child Has Been Hit While in The CrossWalk


We have all witnessed it. Hundreds of kids leaving the school ground all at once. It is like a mass exodus and many of these kids aseptically at the high school level are walking home. Crossing the road ways and entering crosswalks can be very dangerous for children. Many times car and truck drivers are distracted when traveling near a school where the kids are being let out or they are not adhering to the strict speed limits. Unfortunately, many children are hit and injured in the road ways or while trying to navigate the crosswalks around their schools and their homes.

If your son or daughter has been hit and injured in a crosswalk your should always ensure that proper medical attention is provided and you should always ensure that you call 911 to provide medical support and to ensure that a police report is taken at the scene. As a parent your first obligation is to your child and ensuring that they receive proper medical attention. Once your child is stabilized and possibly returned to the home from the hospital or they return to school you should then consult with a local personal injury lawyer to determine what your child's rights of recovery are for their injuries. Some pedestrian accidents can cause minor soft tissue injuries like sore muscles, back and neck sprains while other pedestrian accidents can cause serious personal injuries like fractures, broken bones, and even death.

We are a Inland Empire personal injury law firm that assists individuals and their family members in obtaining financial compensation for their injuries and loss. We are contingency lawyers and we will not earn a fee unless we are successful with your personal injury matter. If you or your child has been injured in a crosswalk or pedestrian accident please call our Ontario California personal injury lawyer today for a FREE consultation.